
  • How can i download the Loader?

    You will have to join our Discord and activate your Subscriber role in #role-activation

    After that you will be able to download the Loader in the #loader-download Text Channel!

    Join Discord!

  • BSOD KMode Exception Not Handled

    Try disabling exploit Protections in Windows Defender

    Even if you have Updates disabled check your Windows Updates if it installed an Update lately

    Updates you should uninstall(State 04-2020):



    -And maybe others that are installed lately

  • kernel_memory != 0

    Disable your Secure Boot in BIOS and your Anti-Virus, also disable Windows Defender, best is to disable it in regedit, you can find out how (Here)(refer to "Disable Windows Defender in the Windows Registry")


    Disable Hyper-V via CMD with the following command:

    dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V

    If this command does not work, try the following:

    bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

  • Did not fix the Problem?

    Create a Ticket in our Discord